A lot of you probably know that after many, many, interviews I was offered a position with the Washington Reading Corps in Seattle. It was the first job to get back to me in Seattle, and one I really wanted to do, so I wrote back right away and took it. I wrote to all the other positions I was in the middle of applying for or waiting to hear back from and told them sorry, but no. Or course, every time you're offered an AmeriCorps position, they have to tell you it's contingent upon passing the background check, and funding coming through for the following year. But it's usually not a problem, especially if a program is pretty well known and supported, like this was. It exists (existed...) in every county in the state and has been around for a while.
Last night, or rather this morning, I got home at 1am and rolled sleepily over to check my e-mail before I slept because I like to disrupt my sleep with technology. And I saw this.
I couldn't really believe it was real, and spent an hour sending e-mails back to places I had already said no to and applying to new positions. But the e-mail was still there this morning. So, I'm back in this exciting job hunting game, and will probably have to suffer through more interviews. I've even started looking up child care jobs. I'm telling you, I'm destined to be lifeguard4lyfe. Or nanny. Lifetime au pair? my worst nightmare. I think I'll
sell crafts with all the other homeless people in Seattle.
Last night, or rather this morning, I got home at 1am and rolled sleepily over to check my e-mail before I slept because I like to disrupt my sleep with technology. And I saw this.
I couldn't really believe it was real, and spent an hour sending e-mails back to places I had already said no to and applying to new positions. But the e-mail was still there this morning. So, I'm back in this exciting job hunting game, and will probably have to suffer through more interviews. I've even started looking up child care jobs. I'm telling you, I'm destined to be lifeguard4lyfe. Or nanny. Lifetime au pair? my worst nightmare. I think I'll
sell crafts with all the other homeless people in Seattle.